About Bodyguard Siding & Trimboards

El and El Wood's™ product, Bodyguard comes in different sizes and styles and is a superior product for exterior applications. Check out the El and El's Wood Bodyguard link for what is available. According to the official Bodyguard Website, they state that, "Bodyguard is a natural wood product, manufactured from New Zealand radiata pine grown in well-managed forest-farms." The website also state the following...
"The wood is sourced from the clean, green sustainable pine forests of New Zealand, and treated under pressure with a carbon-based solution that penetrates."
"Bodyguard is protected by an environmentally friendly preservative that provides long-lasting life and protection against decay, corrosion and insects."
"Bodyguard is protected, real wood, that carries a 30-year limited warranty against termite attack and fungal decay. It's environmentally safe and easy to use."
There are a number of profiles available for your next project. Here is a profile picture from their website. ( Source link).

We service a few prominent contractors that have used Bodyguard for years as it is a top quality product. Not only can it be used on the exterior, but also for interior applications such as bedroom ceilings and wet applications such as bathroom walls. According to their website, Bodyguard siding also has a fire rating approval for California construction.... "Tested in accordance with California State Fire Marshall Regulation 12.7A-1. This approval is for horizontal applications only and requires installation over OSB with a minimum thickness of 7/16"." Please see the attached pdf for more info.
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